Google Listing

Google continually seeks to support e-commerce and businesses in the process of digitalization by offering different advantages through its platforms, increasing their visibility to boost their sales. In 2020, it announced the launch of free product listings, giving e-commerce companies the opportunity to improve their positioning in a completely organic way.

Google’s objective with this initiative is, first of all, to improve users’ search by offering them the results they want to find and also to help online businesses attract more customers by showing their products.

What are free Google Listings?

Free listings are the results of products displayed on the different Google platforms, which allow users to see the products and their characteristics quickly and easily. In this way, e-commerce companies have the opportunity to display their articles through these free Google listings without having to make any investment since this is possible even without taking into account whether they make advertisements through Google Ads.

These product sheets are displayed on different Google platforms: in search results, Google Images, Shopping, Google Lens, and YouTube.

The chances of appearing in the results of searches carried out on any Google surface by your potential clients are increased. In addition, the product sheets show all the information about it in a very visual way. Hence, the user receives all the detailed information, increasing the sales opportunity.

How to Configure Free Listings to Improve Organic Positioning on Google?

For Google to show your products using these free listings, you will need to follow a few small steps. There are two different paths to follow:

1. Through via google merchant center by google

The Google Merchant Center platform is used to move your product catalogue to the Shopping tab so that users can find countless products from different stores on a single platform: Google. It is from here that the free listings are configured very easily, so if you do not have a Google Merchant account, you must create one. 

If you have an active data feed, you will only have to activate the free tokens (from the feed settings). Otherwise, the first step will be to create this data feed, where all the information for each of the items is provided (title, description, price, image, offer if any, etc.) and check that the option is activated. of “Free Chips”. 

2. Through the structured data on your website

Use structured data markup on your website. It will not be necessary to activate the free listings function anywhere since your products will be automatically displayed on Google platforms (except in the Shopping tab).

As you can see, the condition to appear is as simple as including the products in Google Merchant Center, specifying their characteristics and attributes as much as possible so that Google shows users what they are looking for in the most specific way possible. In this way, you can improve your positioning on Google in a completely organic way. 

It is evident that Google is a company that seeks to generate income, so it will always offer greater advantages to those ads that are paid; even so, it does not hurt to have the possibility of appearing in a search by your potential client, especially all if it does not require any disbursement.

Also Read: The Importance of Hosting for Website Rankings in Google


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