What is a Private Cloud, and How is it Different from the Public Cloud?

Private Cloud

Within cloud computing solutions, the private cloud rises as one of the safest options in a scenario marked by teleworking and the impact of digitization in all sectors and fields of work. But what are the advantages of the private cloud, and how is it different from the public cloud?

What is a private cloud?

The private cloud encompasses computing services aimed at a single organization. So, it benefits from the benefits of the public cloud but accessing a company data center or through an external provider. Their greatest attractions are their security and scalability; therefore, companies increasingly use private clouds.

The private cloud or private cloud is part of the cloud computing context (formerly known as virtualization), whose evolution has caused the traditional model of IT services to change radically. Now there are multiple options for cloud solutions, from public clouds, through hybrids to private clouds, which gain a privileged position due to all the advantages they offer according to the needs and objectives of organizations.

5 advantages of betting on the private cloud

Although Amazon, Alphabet, Alibaba or Salesforce continue to be the ‘cloud giants,’ more and more companies are opting for hybrid or private solutions because, as recommended by Marco Lozano, head of security for companies at the National Institute of Cybersecurity (Incibe), the most sensitive information should be based on a private cloud.

As we will see below, the advantages of using a private cloud are multiple. Broadly speaking, as stated by David Carrero Fernández-Baillo, VP of Sales and co-founder of Stackscale, an expert company in infrastructure and cloud hosting solutions, “the trend towards more customizable, secure, scalable and high-performance solutions places hybrid cloud solutions and private ones among the best options to build secure, resilient, flexible and reliable IT environments.”

1. Predictable performance

Being a customer-only environment, you also avoid noisy neighbors that can affect the platform’s performance in other types of cloud.

2. Controlled and transparent cloud costs

It is often the most profitable option since it eliminates the large initial investment in equipment acquisition (CAPEX) and reduces its management costs (OPEX) without giving up dedicated computing resources.

3. Best relationship between quality, features, and price

The very competitive private cloud. In addition, private cloud providers guarantee the technological evolution of the infrastructures so that companies do not need to assume this extra cost.

4. Maximum security and privacy

It offers advantages similar to owning an in-house data center since the client does not have to share its resources with other customers. That greater security results from knowing where your data is located geographically and physically.

5. Greater control over the cloud environment

As it is not a shared resource, it can be configured according to the company’s needs and allows for more specific and customized configurations, making migration easier.

How is the private cloud different from the public cloud?

There is no doubt: the commitment to optimize the use of cloud computing and modernize IT infrastructures, as well as the growing interest in data protection in the cloud, are key levers for the cloud to continue to gain popularity among companies. The question is: what type of solutions to opt for? Public, hybrid, or private cloud?

Among the main differences between public and private clouds, it is worth noting that the private cloud offers greater control of technological resources, increased security, and flexibility, allowing the implementation of ad hoc developments according to the privacy needs according to the business model.

Conversely, the public cloud is subject to greater vulnerability, less privacy, less control, and less decision-making capacity.


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